Welcome to the new Whitman Conservation District (CD) website! We launched a new site, along with a new logo, in August 2023.
Our website has been redesigned to help us share timely and accessible information with our community. In addition to the new look — which includes more photos of our local landscapes, conservation projects, farmland and natural resources — some other features include:
- We added direct links to frequently visited pages, such as Cost-Share Programs and Agricultural Burn Permits, to our home page.
- You’ll find featured news — including Commissioner Meetings, funding announcements, and special events — on our home page under, “What’s New at Whitman CD.”
- We created a new Projects & Accomplishments page where you can explore examples of our work.
We hope our new website makes it easier for our community to learn about the services available to you.
The site also reflects the look of our new logo. Logo imagery includes highlights of our local Whitman landscapes, including water, farm fields, livestock and forest.
Please contact us if you have any questions! We look forward to partnering with you.